Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there.
—Gary Snyder

Ideas, stories, and persons showing up in life, providing ways to embrace the journey.
JRR Tolkien - The life of Hobbits: An epic adventure fantasy inspiration from boyhood still loved and embraced as applied today.
Gary Snyder - His poetry captures everything cycling through the pulse of nature and life’s meditations.
Rusty Bowman - Idaho artist, adventurer, friend with a life focus of rediscovering the traditions of ways of those from the past living close to the land.
Mountain Weather-Love of Snow
A few favorites for the exploration of snow, ways to look at what is happening with weather, or some forecasts if you plan to venture out into the mountains.
Snow Crystals - Ponder something as simple as the snow crystal and discover a visual fascinating element to observe when outdoors in winter.
SMG Weather Page - Generated by Chris Lundy, SMG co-owner, weather geek and master avalanche forecaster.
Mountain Weather - Based from Jackson, Wyoming, Jim Woodmency provides a great toolbox for those who like to dabble in weather forecasting.
UCAR- User-friendly tool for 48-hour weather maps and building forecasts.
Avalanche.org - The most comprehensive portal for winter travelers heading into avalanche terrain.
Sawtooth Avalanche Center - Our local avalanche center for the central Idaho Mountains. Daily avalanche Bulletin, plus a re-cap of observations through the winter season.
Big or small business can stand for values, strive to be sustainable, practice integrity and be conscientious and respectful for the environment.
Patagonia- Founded by Yvon Chouinard, the company is now owned by Earth as it’s sole shareholder and operated by highly motivated people. The company actively supports a sustainable outdoor environment. Great warranty backed Gear.
Sawtooth Mountain Guides- Founded in 1985, a guide service which continues to embrace a “Sense of Place” . Its owners and guides are well travelled in the mountains close to home, and around the world. Great one-stop shop to find the best in mountain guiding.
Acoustic music can be enjoyed through a variety of musical genres. Here are two of my friends living locally who are master craftsmen of taking raw materials of wood and creating beautiful instruments.
Lawrence Smart- Based in Bellevue, Idaho a master luthier- specializing in the mandolin family of instruments as well as guitars. Also, a loved local musician and singer of funny songs.
Austin Clark- Boise, Idaho craftsmen of mandolins and Octave mandolins. Having an Clark Octave of my own, I am a 1st hand advocate of knowing how owning and playing a fine heirloom instrument can inspire and lift your spirit.